Quinn Adult Vampire Formidable Lineage: Umbra Occupation: Intelligence Analyst and former field operative. Trait: Charismatic and persuasive. Goal: To protect his fellow vampires from exposure while navigating the complex web of human politics. Initial Disposition: Calculating and reserved, with a hidden intensity beneath his calm exterior.
Marc Young Vampire. Lineage: Kerberos Occupation: Security expert. Trait: Can be very stoic. Goal: Harm a rival. Initial Disposition: Curious Tries to be funny without too much success.
Elegy Nacht 1
Zusammenfassung: Elegy Nacht 1 – Frühstück und Bibliothek Nach dem Erwachen bereitet der Protagonist sich auf den Tag vor, indem er die Haushälterin Silvia leicht beißt, um sein Blutbedürfnis zu stillen. Anschließend macht er sich auf den Weg, um Greyson Ashcroft, “Sir”, in der Bibliothek zu treffen. Sir Ashcroft beauftragt ihn, Mitglieder einer rivalisierenden Vampir-Crew festzunehmen, um sie über ihre Aktivitäten auszufragen. Lageplan und Bar Der Protagonist trifft Marc im Simple Life Diner, wo sie einen Plan schmieden, um die Crewmitglieder in der Desert Fangs Tavern zu identifizieren und festzunehmen. Nach einer kurzen Vorbereitung trifft der Protagonist in der Bar ein und führt seine Aufgabe aus. Er nutzt seine besonderen Fähigkeiten zur Identifikation eines Crew-Mitglieds und ermordet es im Toilettenraum. Die anderen Mitglieder werden außer Gefecht gesetzt und einer von ihnen wird für spätere Befragungen entführt. Rückfahrt und Schlafenszeit Auf der Rückfahrt diskutiert der Protagonist mit Quinn über zukünftige Pläne und den Umgang mit Schusswaffen. Quinn bietet ihm ein Zimmer zum Übernachten an. Dort angekommen versucht der Protagonist erfolglos mehr über das entführte Crew-Mitglied durch eine psychische Verbindung zu dessen persönlichen Gegenständen herauszufinden. Schließlich legt er sich zum Schlafen nieder.
Greyson Ashcroft
Greyson Ashcroft Progenitor Level 1 blood link Older man with steel grey hair. Wears country clothing or a sports jacket with leather patches. Slight upper class accent. Called “The Sir”. Home in the Old Town District Patron of the Santa Maria Museum Extreme ![[/Elegy/Characters/_media/greyson.jpeg]]
Sly Mantok
Sly Mantok Bio 1,200 years old Oldest known name: Callidus Cassandra Lineage (The Umbra) The Umbra embody the myth of the obscure and mysterious vampire. They are enigmatic, secretive and masters of subtlety, knowledge and stealth. From the hidden corners of the underworld, they act with strategy and observation to gather intelligence. Their insatiable curiosity and affinity for secrets drives them to uncover hidden or forgotten truths. Cassandras value knowledge and are often scholars, serving sometimes as advisors and spies.
Susan Former friend. Works for the police as a forensic expert. She is vary of the way I often behave. Condo in the Downtown District that she cannot afford. Met in the Gargoyle. Film buff. Dangerous
Truths All truths on this page belong to the game Elegy. Elegy is a Miracle M game licensed under the cc by 4.0 licence. History Vampires inhabit Santa Maria since its early development, which happened at the beginning of the 20th century. Santa Maria embodied the dynamism of a new era. Positioned as a cultural melting pot, it became a hub for cultural movements, scientific breakthroughs, and the pursuit of new ideas.
STACL Review
STACL Review The game is too easy, I constantly found myself making it harder to succeed, for example by requiring both dice to succeed instead of just one. And it is imperative to constantly use the momentum/thread mechanics to introduce more story elements. Speaking of story elements: During preparation, I read the TOS and TNG writers guides, which explicitly state not to write stories about religion or whole civilizations. I tried both, of course, and it was a lovely endeavour to play myself out of the problems that created.
STACL Day Four
STACL Day Four Captain’s Log Supplemental (Act Three) The artifact is gone again, hiding in the dust cloud, but the planet is safe and its people secure. And nobody is going to be prosecuted. We are looking forward to our next adventure.
STACL Day Three
STACL Day Three Captain’s Log Supplemental (Act Tow) Both crews are in a frenzy, as we try to find out what happens to the dust cloud and the planet. As we don’t know, how long we have until dire consequences happen, we feel that time is of the essence. Captain’s Log Supplemental (Act Three) Grasping at straws, we beam down to the planet where we hope to find information that helps us understand the quantum entanglement between cloud and planet.