STACL Preparation
Preparation Resources Product page TNG Writers and Directors Guide Tidier version TOS Writers and Directors Guide Voyager Technical Manual Generators Simple Mission Generator Short Character Bio STA Character Generator Starforged Oracle Another NPC Generator Star Trek Name Generator Soundtrack From the writers guides Possible Missions Mapping/surveying Exploration – the pushing out of new boundaries of the frontier Carrying supplies and cargo to outposts and distant colonies Carrying passengers Diplomatic and trade missions Patrol along marked or disputed boundaries Mediation and negotiation Responding to planetary emergencies Responding to ships in distress Routine visits to planets/colonies/space stations Scientific missions Defensive action against threats to Federation planets Military manoeuvres Testing of new equipment Training missions Serving as a police/security force where requested Serving as good will ambassadors/showing the flag Crisis control Terrorist/hostage rescue Don’ts Psi-forces or psychic/mystical powers Galaxy policemen Fantasy instead of Sci-fi Swords and Sorcery Treating deep space as the local neighbourhood Melodrama Skipping the Prime Directive Plots involving whole civilizations Technology as the villain Miscellanea Hidden in chapter two Languages: If a character chooses to be proficient in linguistics, have them speak a minimum of languages equal to their Reason score.
STACL Preparation
Preparation Resources Product page TNG Writers and Directors Guide Tidier version TOS Writers and Directors Guide Voyager Technical Manual Generators Simple Mission Generator Short Character Bio STA Character Generator Starforged Oracle Another NPC Generator Star Trek Name Generator Soundtrack From the writers guides Possible Missions Mapping/surveying Exploration – the pushing out of new boundaries of the frontier Carrying supplies and cargo to outposts and distant colonies Carrying passengers Diplomatic and trade missions Patrol along marked or disputed boundaries Mediation and negotiation Responding to planetary emergencies Responding to ships in distress Routine visits to planets/colonies/space stations Scientific missions Defensive action against threats to Federation planets Military manoeuvres Testing of new equipment Training missions Serving as a police/security force where requested Serving as good will ambassadors/showing the flag Crisis control Terrorist/hostage rescue Don’ts Psi-forces or psychic/mystical powers Galaxy policemen Fantasy instead of Sci-fi Swords and Sorcery Treating deep space as the local neighbourhood Melodrama Skipping the Prime Directive Plots involving whole civilizations Technology as the villain Miscellanea Hidden in chapter two Languages: If a character chooses to be proficient in linguistics, have them speak a minimum of languages equal to their Reason score.
The Assassin
The Assassin Soundtrack Assassin’s Creed Ambient Mix Assassin’s Creed Relax Assassin’s Creed Revelations Assassin’s Creed Origins Best of assassin’s Creed 8 Vorgaben für Attentatsmissionen ÜNE Dieses Playthrough wurde während des Spiels aufgenommen und anschließend automatisiert transkribiert. Ich habe nur grobe Schnitzer, Doppelungen und Ähnliches entfernt. Tag 1 Ich bin Hazara. Ich bin ein Assassine. Während ich über die Stadt Venedig gucke, denke ich, dass du nichts von mir gehört hast, noch nie.
Ronin Review
Ronin Review My playthrough in German. Ronin is a solo RPG in which the player builds the story of a wandering warrior in search of redemption. It uses a “Yin and Yang” dice system where a white die represents you and your action while a black die stands for your opponents and their actions. Yin-yang is Chinese of course, not Japanese, but what the heck, it works and is fun.
Ronin Ronin auf und mein Review auf Englisch. Soundtrack Ⅰ Soundtrack Ⅱ Soundtrack Ⅲ Soundtrack Ⅳ Verwendete Quellen! Der Ronin „Hansuke“ stammt von Plebejern ab. Seine Familie lehnte sich gegen den aufsteigenden Clan der Tetsukoi auf, woraufhin diese seine Verwandten töteten. Seitdem streift er nur mit seinem Schwert und einem Bündel mit dem Notwendigsten durch das Land.
Curry Zucchini
Curry Zucchini Ingredients 1 kg courgettes 4 onions 4 tablespoons salt 400 ml white wine vinegar 500 g sugar 2 tsp curry 2 tsp pepper 1 tbsp mustard seeds Preparation Cut the courgettes and onions into thin slices, mix in a bowl with the salt and leave to stand for two hours. Mix with the salt and leave to marinate for two hours. Pour off the the resulting stock and keep it.
Der Vampyr
Der Vampyr – John Stagg "Warum sieht mein Herr so tödlich blass aus? Warum schwindet das Rote von seiner Wange? Was fehlt meinem liebsten Ehemann? Sprich, o Hermann, von deinen wahren Sorgen! "Warum seufzt du in der stillen Ruhestunde, Trauernd im Schlaf so traurig dahin? Bist du von schwerstem Kummer erdrückt, Von unerträglichen Leiden geplagt? "Warum bebt deine Brust? Warum klopft dein Herz? Sprich! Und wenn es Linderung gibt, Wird Gertrude dir Trost spenden, Wenn nicht, zumindest dein Leid teilen.
Das Teehaus
Das letzte Teehaus Ein Ein-Seiten-Rollenspiel über Tee und Konversation von SpringVillager. Soundtrack Soundtrack 2 Soundtrack 3 Soundtrack 4 Verwendete Quellen Jurassic Coast Das Teehaus Liegt inmitten einer Salzwüste, umgeben von einer hellgrauen Mischung aus Staub, Sand und feinem Geröll. Der Boden wurde zu unregelmäßigen Platten mit tiefen Rissen dazwischen zusammengepresst und reicht in jede Richtung bis zum Horizont. Nach einigen Metern verschwimmen Boden und Himmel zu einer unscharfen Masse, die dem Auge weder Abwechslung noch Ruhe bietet.
Dark Fort
Dark Fort Have you heard of Dark Fort? I just stumbled upon it. It seems to be a precursor to Mörk Borg with simple rules to generate a dungeon and meet its inhabitants, like the Necro-Sorcerer who might turn you into a maggot even after you defeated him. The game was published as part of a zine with interesting Mörk Borg content, but isn’t worth the 10 Dollar/Euro, if you are not interested in the other stuff.
After play review
The Last Voyage of the Barcosa – Willem van de Velde the Younger, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons After play review After playing, and thoroughly enjoying, The Last Voyage of the Barcosa, I’d like to write a few words about it. Layout and packaging TLVB comes in classic two pages, three columns layout, and is optimized for digital screens or printing on A4 paper. Background and font colours are fitting earthy colours with just enough bright accents to keep it interesting and pleasing.